About Lexa

Lexa color bot allows a user to customize their individual role color. Lexa color bot was written in Python and still being worked on. You're able to limit who can use the bot by setting a designated role.


  • Custom Colors (hex and color names supported)
  • Random Colors
  • Prefix: @Lexa (mention)
  • Bot Permission Manager (limit who can use Lexa)
  • Assign a Designated Channel
  • Discord Support Channel
Lexa Bot Status Servers using Lexa Owner of Lexa bot
Command Description
color set [hexcode] Changes color to provided hex color code OR valid color name. (Leave empty for random)
color remove Removes your color role, if you have one
color_name set [new role name] Changes your color roles name.
channels add [#channel_mention] Adds channels to allowed channel list.
channels remove [#channel_mention] Removed channels from allowed channel list.
perms add_roles [@role_mention] Adds a role to the required role list.td>
perms remove_roles [@role_mention] Removes a role to the required role list.
top_role set [@role_mention] Set the role to create new color roles beneath. If not set, new roles will always be created beneath the bots highest role. (set to None to reset)
vote Brings up the vote page. If you enjoy this bot, please don't forget to vote!
invite Brings up the invitation link.
servercount Shows how many servers the bot is in.
help [command] View this help message, or view specific command help